Welcome To Our Church
We are a church endeavouring to create a group like a family, centered on our understanding of Jesus Christ. This family is accepting, open, and welcoming to all who would join it.
Our Sunday morning gatherings are for all people wanting to engage with others and with God in matters of life and faith.
We also hold regular Hindi services. Our services page has more information.
Church Activities
Church life is about more than what happens on Sunday. The church runs community outreach services such as Mainly Music, English Conversations for those learning English, Dees Group, a dementia support group and an exercise class for the elderly.
Please see our Activities page for more information.
Our Parish
Our members bring life to our church. Our vision is to be known throughout the community for our Christian faith and action.
Meet our Minister and the Parish Council who keep the activities of the church moving along.
Join our Newsletter
Sign up to receive our monthy newsletters – each issue contains everything you need to know about church life.
Check out our latest newsletter for inspiration from our minister, parish council updates and photos.
Journeying together in Faith and Love

Meet Tokerau, our Minister
Meet our Minister, Rev Dr Tokerau Joseph, and find out all about his vision for our Church.
If you are looking for a beautiful, traditional church setting on Auckland’s North Shore that can seat up to 120 people, then look no further!
Recognition and celebration of a loved one’s life through the funeral service is very important. We’ll help you to plan a service that honours your loved one.
Hall & Lounge Hire
Our premises are used by a number of community groups. Please contact us for more information if you are interested in hiring an office, meeting rooms, hall &/or kitchen facilities.
Hindi Christian Worship
Hindi services are provided on the first and last Sunday of each month, beginning at 6:30pm. A shared supper follows.
K@MP and Youth
We believe that the young people of today are the future of our church. K@MP is where our children and young people can explore their faith.
Community Services
We provide a number of community services, including English language speaking opportunities, dementia support, collections for the food bank, and preschool music.