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Mairangi & Castor Bays Presbyterian Church
09 478 6180

Church & Community Activities

Would you like to know more about what’s happening in our church and community? Read on…

Church & Community Activities

We have a range of church and community activities which are organised through and run by church members in our hall and lounge areas (which are also available for hire).

Church Activities

Our current church activities are:

Mairangi & Castor Bay Presbyterian Church

Mainly Music

Pre-schooler music and movement sessions are held 10am – 11am on Friday mornings during the school term in the Mairangi Bay Church Hall.  All members of the community are welcome.

The NZ-wide program develops children’s sense of rhythm, coordination and enjoyment of music through action songs and use of props such as instruments, drums, etc.

Parents and children enjoy the social interaction, relaxed environment and the support of others.  Morning tea and toys for the children are provided after the music session.  .

Friday Night Family Games and Shared Meal

On the second Friday of the month during the school term there is a gathering of young and old to socialise, play games (badminton, table tennis, bowls), share food and generally enjoy each others company.

This starts at 6.15pm and ends at 8pm. All welcome.

Youth Group

A youth get together after College on a Thursday has recently been introduced.

Enquiries to Dorille Shadbolt 479 3953 or Angelika Singh 027 310 3284

Men's Group

Second Tuesday of each month from midday until around 2.00pm. Join together with other men at a local Restaurant, for a sociable lunch, a quiet drink, and lots of chatting, as we solve “all the problems in the world today” from a Christian perspective.

Enquiries to Ian Rankin -027 332 7235

House and Discussion Group

We have a weekly discussion group on offer within the parish. Our weekly Discussion group meets on a Wednesday afternoon during school term time. Each term we seek to explore topical issues according to the church calendar or affecting the wider church at the time. Please contact the office for more information about access to this Discussion Group.

Discussion Groups provide social opportunities and opportunities to further explore faith.

We also have regular discussion opportunities to engage with issues that affect the local community, which are advertised through the monthly newsletter. Please refer to the newsletter page for more information on these discussion topics.

Seniors Social Group

Come and join the Seniors Social club every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month 10am – 12pm.  Join us for  socialising and fun games at the Mairangi Presbyterian Church.   

On the 5th Tuesday of the month the Seniors Social club has a Lunch outing supporting the local cafés and restaurants


A key focus of the church is to provide fellowship activities related to the composition of our congregation.  Each year the Fellowship Committee facilitates a Sunday Bring and Share Lunch.

The Fellowship Committee provides a variety of activities from theatre outings to armchair travels and visiting places of interest, e.g. Tiritiri Matangi.

As well as providing fellowship especially for those congregation members who are on their own, we encourage the community to attend these activities.

Relationship With Presbyterian Support Northern

In addition to our Dee’s Group shared activity (which is carried out under a formal agreement with PSN) we provide weekly contributions to the PSN Foodbank and an annual Christmas gift box appeal for PSNs Family Works to distribute to the needy families who they are supporting. The North Shore base for Family Works is situated in our buildings.

Dees Group

North Shore Dementia Support Group

Dees Group provides assistance for those living with dementia on the North Shore, including

  • People living at home with dementia
  • Respite for dementia caregivers

The once a week social group, is run between 10 am and 2 pm, each Thursday. The programme includes : socialising, Tai Chi, indoor bowls, board games, quizzes and singing.

The Co-ordinator, Tangi Joseph, is employed by the parish and is supervised by Presbyterian Support’s Enliven Branch. The number of attendees fluctuates with currently 12 on the roll and an average attendance of 10.

Please contact the parish office for more details.

Yedarm Church

This is a separate group of Korean Church people who with their own Pastor and Elders share  the Mairangi Bay Church and facilities.  We combine for church services on special occasions during the year.

Yedarm Church
Yedarm Church

English Language Conversations

We have a group of people from our community who are wanting to improve their English and practice having conversations in the English language.

We meet on a Wednesday during school terms, from 1pm until 2:30pm and cover a whole range of topics. It is very friendly and relaxed.

If you are interested in joining in please contact:

Stewart Milne 027 293 8499  or

Grace Liu  021 0487978  or just turn up on the day.

We will be in meeting room 2, you can be assured of a good welcome

Advanced English Language Conversations

This is a small group for those whose English has improved and who want to increase their vocabulary, improve their pronunciation and generally continue with their learning.

This group meets at 1pm – 2.30pm Mondays during School terms

If you are interested in joining please contact

John Shadbolt 479 3953

Community Activities

Our hall has heavy usage – this is very much in accord with our goal of being a part of the community.

A selection of the main community groups currently using our premises with some information on when they meet follows.

Hall vacancy

There is availability to hire our facilities before and after school for local children

Contact us to discuss further

Mairangi Combined Probus Club

This is a group of senior active people (approx. 50-70 people) who meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 10 am to 12 noon in the hall.

They also use the kitchen facilities and lounge.

Community Emergency Hub

The Mid Bays Resilient Communities steering group meets in our church and are a Community Emergency Hub for all members of the community who may have to leave their homes in an emergency.

Centre of Mutual Aid

The CMA is a well organised senior group of around 30 people who meet every Monday from 10 am to 2 pm in the hall and use the kitchen facilities.

They have an external supervisor and people who come in to provide the group with lunch.

Other Community Groups

Other Community Groups using the facilities include Pilates, Boya Culture classes, Rangers, Kaipatiki Spinners & Weavers and the Auckland Sunrise Education Centre

Lounge and Hall Hire

Inquiries as to the availability of the church hall should be directed to the church office.

Information on rates and requirements can be viewed here – Use of Buildings”  or contact the for more information. 

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Hall Hire


Vehicle access between 8 and 10 Penzance Road,
Mairangi Bay
Hours: Thurs & Fri 9am – 12.30pm
Administrators: Jo Wyman Macer and Tangi Joseph
Phone: 09 478 6180

Postal Address:
P.O. Box 65-299, Mairangi Bay 0754

We are part of the Mairangi Bay Village community, click here to visit the website

Follow us on our Facebook page


Rev Dr Tokerau Joseph
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 65-299, Mairangi Bay 0754

Parish Clerk

Stewart Milne
Phone: 027 293 8499


Vehicle access to the church is from Penzance Road.
Sunday Worship: 10:00am

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